Mission, Vision and Values


Placing  high quality foods with high energy  and  nutrition levels  within the reach of our  consumers.


Mainly in the following  markets:


  1. México
  2. United States of America
  3. Central America
  4. South America
  5. The Caribbean
  6. Asia


We want  to grow, consolidate  and  position ourselves as a New Generation Organization within the  food sector.


We want to be recognized for our excellent brand image.


Our efforts are focused on ensuring the satisfaction of our customer´s need and expectations, within a context of great attention and customer service.


Our work will always be oriented under a strict  sense of social responsibility.


  • Honestity


We perform our job within material honesty because we manage  responsibly and  transparently every resource entrusted to us  and show  full respect towards the assets assigned to our  work. We also act with intellectual hoesty  since we clearly express what  we  think and believe, behaving  according to rules and principles. We  use moral honesty as well, always having the consequences of our actions in mind.


  • Orientation toward results


We comply with undertaken commitments, and exceed them where possible, looking for  better ways of doind things and considering that  we are  responsible for ensuring that the results of our  activities contribute to  add value  to the processes in which we  participate.


  • Teamwork


We are a team based on the achievement of shared goals, adding talent and commitment with openness to diversity of opinion, experience, knowledge and skills, because collaboration, respect and mutual support are the basis of our  internal and external relationships. There is no way to replace  teamwork with individual work.



  • Trust


It is the behavioral  outcome aligned with the values of the  company. It is  the  result of honest behavior, orientation towards results and teamwork. It connects those three values and therefore  integrates as a coherent set.




This is reflected in the high quality of products and

services, the result of our work and, therefore, in the opinion of our

customers and consumers are on us.





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